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Tone of voice

Last updated: October 1st, 2021

The way we write is referred to as “our tone of voice”. It is a way to differentiate ourselves from competitors and it is important that we speak with one voice across all of our global communication channels, so that our stakeholders recognise us, and trust us. 

Our tone of voice principles

We talk in the first person you, we, our, us rather than it, them, they.

We are warm and engaging. We want our personality to come through. We talk to people – not automatons.

We use conversational language. We seek interaction and debate and assume that our audience is our intelligent equal. We are never patronising or condescending.

We might use intelligent humour if appropriate, but we avoid over familiar, frivolous and slapstick language. 

We are succinct, not wordy. We aim for clarity and simplicity, without dumbing down or lecturing. 

We are direct, honest and precise. We avoid industry jargon, complex language, acronyms and concepts. 

We are collaborative and professional, not superior. We are confident but not boastful or sanctimonious.

“The secret to being a bore is to tell everything.”

Oscar Wilde