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Product illustrations

Last updated: October 27th, 2022

Illustration plays a key role within our identity. We use drawings of key mechanisms to help illustrate our knowledge and understanding. Select the illustration relevant to the content. 


Product mechanism illustrations are used in material that relates to a specific product or its end use application


Product illustrations should never be used in conjunction with our four behaviour blueprint illustrations.

Artwork can be downloaded from Edwards Sharepoint. Illustrations should not be altered, amended or added to.

Our Three Illustration Styles

Illustrations should use a consistent style within each project, presentation or video. We use three distinct styles.

1. Line Drawing

As the name suggests, this style only uses lines, without shading or coloured fills. Again, use a consistent style, i.e. the same type of 3D projection, or a set of 2D drawings with the same line-weight. Colour should be used with a purpose in mind, i.e. to add information or highlight specific areas.

2. Line Drawing with Partial Shading

This style sits between plain line drawing and full 3D rendering. Colour and shading is used for emphasis, to direct attention to specific elements or add useful detail.

3. 3D Rendering

This style is used almost exclusively for video, with a high level of detail and realism. Animated sequences can use cut-away views of internal elements, showing how the product works, i.e. moving parts, particle-flow, etc.