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Your brand handbook

Web edition

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This handbook will give you a glimpse into why, as a brand and a business, Edwards has punched above its weight for more than a hundred years.

In fact, everybody who works at Edwards is also part of the Edwards brand and how we are seen by our customers. We are each empowered to help shape the future of Edwards and the brand image we project, reflecting our achievements and the many technologies we enable.

Wherever you sit within Edwards, we believe you will find this book a source of inspiration and guidance, and a handy tool for business.

It describes how we communicate our brand, building on the unique character that is Edwards, and also how we express our brand promise:


It also unifies our visual and verbal language into a cohesive framework that makes our brand recognisable across all of its touchpoints.

Our hope is that it will assist you in rising to the challenge of living up to our brand promise each day.

How to use this guide

Given the accelerating rate of digital communications, no brand can afford to sit still.

Though new, this Brand Handbook is a work in progress. Our intention this year is to turn it into a web based document that can easily be updated as we deal with subject upgrades. There are a variety of areas that are under review such as product naming and labelling strategy, permanent signage upgrades, video approach and User Interface design, etc.

For help and advice with design and creative issues please do not hesitate to contact the Brand Team.